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What to do, offensive uni material.

Hi everyone, 

I'm not sure what to do about this and could use advice.

I'm doing a uni course in psychology.  One of my subjects is abnormal psych.  The first lecture was about what is and isn't abnormal.  They botched it because they don't really justfy or answer the question, but ok, but then the lecturer goes on to state that psychodynamic therapy 'should be avoided'.  They cherrypick a single article that shows some problems with psychodynamic therapies, but don't go into comparative success rates, etc.  They seem to confuse psychodynamic with psychoanalysis of Freud's time.  The call CBT as 'the gold standard'.  It's pretty obvious that they are ignorant on the subject and biased towards CBT, which, ok, I can live with the bias but how dare they suggest that psychodynamic therapy which I am doing and is helping, should be avoided.  They basically are implying my treatment choice is a farce, my therapist a charlatan and I'm a pigeon.  I feel hurt and insulted.  If they had framed it in a positive way, ie, 'we have a preference for CBT in this course since it complies with scientific method' and not scare people about using other treatment forms, I would be ok with that.


So, should I just shut up and let it pass?  Maybe I am making to much about this, being too overly sensitive.  Then I thought about writing to the lecturer and just ask them if she is suggesting that I ought to leave my treatment.  It would put her on the spot and force her to rethink how she phrases things.


Re: What to do, offensive uni material.

@Lemonjuice Hi Lemonjuice interesting is she an old uni prof or a young one? Just curious. I would definately argue the toss with her. That is what univeresity is about and as long as you can argue your point well and make it stand up logically in discussion go for it. Profs are used to it 🙂 I would almost guarantee you are not alone in having reservations in what she has said.

Re: What to do, offensive uni material.

Hi @greenpea I only saw her once, she's about 30 to 40.  Nice enough.  It's one of those things where cognitive psychology seems to attract ... mmm...Sheldon types from the Big Bang theory.  It's not easy to stand up to someone when they are going to mark your papers.

Re: What to do, offensive uni material.

Hey @Lemonjuice, I am not going to advise you on what you should do because in the end, as you say, this professor will mark your papers and you don't want there to be grudges held against you. However I can understand your frustration, I've discovered some biased content in my course (as well as blatantly misinformed writings) also. 


It's good to see you here! 🙂

Re: What to do, offensive uni material.

@Lemonjuice when I went to uni there were those in the class who actively questioned the prof whilst there were others like myself who might ask one or two questions re a subject which would make him/her scratch her head (which was very satisfying). 30s-40 is young ..... up to you as Queenie says but if it were biting at me I would.

Re: What to do, offensive uni material.

Thanks @Queenie,
I go through phases when I am social and want to talk and other times when things going ok or I am shut down and don't want to talk.

I'm glad I am not the only one who feels that way or has had this experience.

Re: What to do, offensive uni material.

I'm going to think about it some more. Thanks.

Re: What to do, offensive uni material.

@Lemonjuice I teach in a university (not psych). My advice would be to not raise it during semester if she is your marker. Even with the best intentions, research consistently shows that we import our impressions of students into our marking... and universities and courses and subjects differ on the degree of blindness in marking - I wouldn’t want to rely on it.


BUT, in your unit appraisal at the end of semester, detail your concerns in full. Those matter immensely and you will definitely be heard there. You can make a difference for future cohorts.

Re: What to do, offensive uni material.

@-Rayne-  Thanks.  I've always wondered about those surveys at the end of session.  Glad to read that they are of value.  I think I will leave this subject to next year and make it my last subject and then write to the lecturer.  I don't intend to be nasty about it, but I think they need to be aware that this actually effects people.

Re: What to do, offensive uni material.

Hi @Lemonjuice
I know several psychiatrists that recommend psychodynamic therapy. They have medical degrees and lots of training in mental health. I would trust them over a uni lecturer any day.
The problem with psychodynamic therapy is that it’s had very little scientific studies on it, it’s not really a modality you can apply the scientific method to very easily.
I’m on my phone, but there are loads of resources that evaluate it. Generally it comes out on a par with cbt. But that is for all mental disorders and severities, and I think it’s better for the more severe long term mental illnesses.
This is the Australian governments review on the topic:

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