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Re: Starting to struggle

Family is making me stressed out @tyme - they are treating me like I’m a kid when I’m not. I’ve been getting online bullied aswell

Re: Starting to struggle

That doesn't sound very nice @Fluttershy1 - If you are feeling low tonight, do you think it better you don't go to the online platforms where you feel you are getting bullied?


Can you do something you like tonight instead? Watch something? Relax?

Re: Starting to struggle

I feel safe here @tyme, I know that it’s non judgemental here. 

have you watched anything good lately. I have Disney+ Stan and Netflix. 

family are getting to me. They are treating me like a child


Re: Starting to struggle

I'm don't really like watching things @Fluttershy1 - I prefer reading. 


I find it hard to sit in front of a screen to watching things flash by.


Tell me, what have you been watching on Stan, Netflix, Disney?

Re: Starting to struggle

Not a lot looking for stuff to watch @tyme. recently watched all toy stories

Re: Starting to struggle

How cute is Angel! I’ve never met Angel. Only met Stitch. @Fluttershy1 

Re: Starting to struggle

Yeah @BPDSurvivor - angel is new. 

hey @Peregrinefalcon when did you get a new fancy badge. 

Re: Starting to struggle

Hi @Fluttershy1 , how’s Stitch today? And how are you today?

Re: Starting to struggle

I think many WOULD care if they could actually understand. Most don’t— even if they seem close to us. They are not capable of understanding so we should not feel hurt . But it’s very difficult  to keep that in mind. 
a few truthful words here could help a little . I wish you very well

Re: Starting to struggle

Hey @BPDSurvivor @BlueBay @maddison @Shaz51 @TAB - things are rough. I’ve been crying and shutting everyone out

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