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Re: Need to vent

Hello @BlueBay 

and others visiting and reading this thread, including

@Former-Member, @MDT , @Shaz51 , @Former-Member , @Emelia8 , @Owlunar , @BPDSurvivor , @oceangirl 


You have asked, @BlueBay  "What do I do??"

If I were in your position, I would endeavour to separate Situation and Events: from Possible Actions and Considerations: and Feelings:


..........      "      ..........


Situation and Events:

  1. Doctors appointment Monday morning.
  2. Doctor wanted me to come and see him this week
  3. Limited funds. None available in bank account
  4. I have not enough money to pay him until Thursday {when hubby gets paid}.

  5. How do I tell him?

Possible Actions and Considerations:

  1. Proceed to Doctor's appointment on  Monday
  2. Allow time to discuss, with receptionist, what options are available for payment to be made on Friday
  3. I will be able to pay on Friday.
  4. Doctor will possibly be unaware of financial arrangements made with receptionist until, or unless I discuss it with her/him.
  5. Doctor is likely to be very much more concerned with my health than my financial standing.
  6. I would be including, in my open discussion with the doctor, my concerns about my mental health, financial position and any other issues that are distressing me.
  7. Carefully and thoughtfully, consider my financial position, and any short to medium term things, that I and my family can do, to positively impact where my family and I are at.
  8. I need to remain aware that runaway and uncontrolled feelings will have a significantly negative impact on my situation and prevent me from addressing any of the most important issues.
  9. Cancel appointment?
  10. If I cancel appointment, I am likely to have to wait 2 weeks for another.


  1. Ashamed

  2. Embarrassed

  3. Guilt

  4. Stressing

  5. Anger about financial position.


6. Concern about Doctors reaction to payment delay {Hate?, anger?.}

7. Self blame.

8. Personally assumed fault

9. Feeling downgraded

10. Can I live like this

I would take this note, that I have written on the basis of the question I had originally asked, to assist me in my discussion with the doctor. I might even hand it to the doctor.

..........      "      ..........


I hope that my description of what I might do will be helpful for you.


With Best Wishes


Re: Need to vent

Thanks @HenryX for your reply snd suggestions. 
my doctors knows about our financial situation so I guess he’ll understand when I tell him. 

Re: Need to vent

You doctor  will  understand @BlueBay 🥰❤

Re: Need to vent

Hi friends @Shaz51 @oceangirl @Former-Member @Emelia8 @BPDSurvivor @Owlunar @MDT and ithers I’ve forgotten 


my brain is very cloudy today …..


saw my GP this morning. I’m suffering terribly with the side effects of new medication. My whole body is exhausted. I’m on slow go with everything. My doctor was concerned and told me to stop those meds. My BP was 170/110 very high. So am on extra Med to bring it down. 
I could hardly talk to him or remember what he said. 
Im in bed resting. I have to record my bp readings for next four days then see him. 
oh snd he said it was fine for me to pay on Thursday.  

my body is so exhausted. Not eating or drinking much. Just want to sleep. 

Re: Need to vent

Sorry to hear of your situation @BlueBay Sounds like you are very tired. I find drinking cold water helps me when I'm really tired and you're probably wise to rest in bed. 

Take care and reach out to your supports if you need to. Sending you strength 💝

Re: Need to vent

thanks @Paperdaisy i am up now and just had a peanut butter sandwich.  I will see how i go this afternoon when hubby gets home if i decide to go to the beach.  it might be nice just to float in the water. it's quite warm today - 28 deg already!!


Re: Need to vent

Sorry you are feeling so 'blahhh' @BlueBay . Hoping your BP settles and you start to feel better soon. Also ... really pleased (but not surprised) that there was no problem in you paying GP on Thursday. 😊


Peanut butter sandwich .. yum! Smooth or crunchy? 😄


Sending much love and care your way dear BlueBay. 💖



Re: Need to vent

Hi @BlueBay 


It's normal to feel exhausted after you have had a viral infection - and we don't really know how having COVID has affected you - it's different for everyone apparently


And it's a very warm day - I went to the shops to post a card to my grand-daughter for her birthday later this week -  I was totally done in when I got back - I like hot weather but I am getting older - I know how old - I have to take it easy on hot days - I would imagine you would need to take it easy after a viral infection too


And then there is the change of medication - I have been through that experience recently and I was so tired I couldn't breathe through the mask when I was at the doctors' clinic and had my blood tested for anaemia - it was normal


Take it easy and drink plenty of water and peanut butter sandwiches is fine for a light lunch and going for a swim this evening sounds pretty good to me. 


You need to give yourself time - you would give other people time to recover I am sure - go easy on yourself


Sending good thoughts



Not applicable

Re: Need to vent

Rest as much as you can @BlueBay 

Not nice feeling so exhausted etc. 

Drink lots of water, if you can. 

Re: Need to vent

Thanks @Former-Member @Owlunar @Emelia8 @Paperdaisy @Shaz51  i did have a long sleep. Went down the beach and relaxed in the water. It was beautiful. Home now. 
hubby will help me with dinner - fish and potato salad and veggies. 

i know I will take it easy. I’m feeling weak. 
need to drink more water. 
thanks all for your support and care


Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.