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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 wrote:

I am staying at S1’s for the weekend @tyme as it’s safer.

Good on your for choosing the safer option @Eve7 .


I hope your pdoc can help with planning the admission when and how you'd like it. 


Sending care 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Good morning my dear @Eve7 

Wishing you a good day today hon.

Sending lots of squishy hugs 💌💌

Re: Morning has broken

  • We celebrated S1’s birthday last night with friends and family. I managed to get through ok with some prn. It was a good party given we’re all very much still grieving his brother.


This morning gd2 had a sports event and when we returned S1’s partner had prepared a champagne breakfast for all those who had slept over.


I’m going home soon as I feel a bit better today and I really don’t want S1 feeling that he needs to look after me. The admission will occur sooner rather than later.


Hope you all have a better day.

Re: Morning has broken

Glad you got through the night @Eve7 I'm sure that there were some happy emotions mixed in with some sad emotions all at the same time.


I hope you enjoyed the breakie.


Perhaps the admission happening sooner might be a good thing for you. To have that support around constantly. You deserve it.

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7  I'm glad you were able to get through the bittersweet party 🫂


I hope the admission works out the way you want it to, including the timing... ❤️

Re: Morning has broken

My admission has been taken out of my hands. I hate my life.

Re: Morning has broken

I’m sorry.. is it for the best though??  

Re: Morning has broken

Oh that's tough @Eve7 - I mean, I do hope it ends up being what you need, but it is always better when these decisions come from us, when we're given agency over our own recovery. It's okay to feel upset, frustrated, even betrayed. 


We're here beside you hun, let us know if there's anything we can do to support you 💜

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @Jynx but I need to be at home not sitting in psych triage waiting to be scheduled. I want to scream but I am just going to tell them what they want to hear and be done with it.

Re: Morning has broken

Oh no, @Eve7 ! Are you in hospital now? 


Thinking of you lots and hoping that you can cope with the unscheduled admission 🤞

Sending lots of 💛

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