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Memory problems

Hi guys,

I struggle with both long term and short term memory.

I'm aware that medications could contibute to that. Depression and psychotic symptoms also contribute to that. So it's not looking good for me. 

My job requires me to remember lots of facts, details, etc

I'm just wondering if anyone else has had memory problems and what they did to combat it.



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Re: Memory problems

Hey @p3p1t4 , nice profile picture.


I'm sorry you struggle with memory issues, and need to remember certain things for your job.


As far as I know, but I'm not 100% sure, memory issues are common with mental illnesses, atleast thats what I've heard anyway, so you're not alone. I know I forget certain things, sometimes even stuff that happened 20 mins ago for example, or key details to something, it depends. 


Hope that helps, sorry I'm not much help and don't have a proper answer. Take care. 

Re: Memory problems

I should probably also mention that I had ECT two years ago. Do you think that could make my memory worse generally?

Re: Memory problems

@p3p1t4  Hi p3p114 I use a herbal supplement for memory which is easily available in chemists and health food stores and I feel it makes a difference. good luck. greenpeax

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Re: Memory problems

@p3p1t4 I haven't had ECT so I wouldn't know, sorry

Re: Memory problems

@p3p1t4 Hi. I've had a lot of problems in this area. I had a major relapse in 2012, lost all recollection of my past, couldn't recall anything in order to respond to a question for about 1.5 years, and had to learn how to interpret facial expressions, recollection, and interpretation of information which works best with medication, neurocog and memory training. So.... this is the game plan:

- subscribe to mind games (there's several online, some  better than others) and practice between 30mins-1hr daily. I practiced reguarly for over 18 months. Memory problems are often tied up with concentration problems - so maybe it might work if you provide feedback on your memory training with a suitable therapist so that you can identify what thoughts are preventing you from capturing all details. This will be required in recollction.

- I take a medication that helps with concentration and therefore by effect, improves recollection

- I also found meditation helped - not during the practice, but as a result of daily practice after several months I noticed I was more relaxed, and this does help with recollection/memory issues.

- Because this is a problem for me, I now use a camera more often to 'make a memory' so that I can recall an event down the track as I automatically don't remember it or create new memories easily.

- I try to do a gratitude journal some pointin the day and it forces me to recall stuff - sometimes at work I will jot down a few points and build on it at the end of the day to give me more satisfaction.


All the best!



Re: Memory problems

@p3p1t4 one more thing - memory is the first thing to disappear/be altered in a relapse of if you are taking medicine casually - and it's the last thing to return. Medicine doesn't make that happen - see earlier post - it's the application of mind game training and neurocognitive techniques. I have psychosis - I found both made a huge improvement on my quality of life and ability to get back on track with my career.

Re: Memory problems

Yes i have suffered memory problems my whole life i emigrated to australia when i was 9 i have no memory of were i was born no memory of schools it is like my memory gets erased every day. I can have a conversation and forget words and sentences people say. I can even forget how to get to certain places. No images enter my head. It feels like my brain gets deleted everyday. Does anyone else have the same 

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Re: Memory problems


WHAT ARE WE TALKING ABOUT AGAIN?  LOL. Oh yes, memory. Sounds like you know so much more andvfoundvso many more helps than I can imagine. Think I'm depressed, I keep going to DO SOMETHING, then find myself back in bed. Nothing gets done. I bore easy and can't follow complex movies. But I can type here so I must be. ok .  Must start walking again,vthink that helps heaps 💙



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