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Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 Aww noo Pixie, getting shuffled out of prime bed real estate haha.

 Six months and fully grown! Still very much a puppy at heart I'd imagine! And really coming into his personality too - like my Razz, who is now just over a year and started to really gain confidence, and thus knows how to get up to mischief hehe.

Re: I can’t cope

Yeah.. poor little Pix @Jynx. I try and make special Pix time. 

He is pretty fun. I just need to get my shit together and be a better mum for him. He is happy enough though. 

I cry when I think about what I nearly did to them. 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 hehe yeah I think my cats get jealous of each other too. Trixie was used to being a solo cat before Razz came along, and Razz seems to get jealous when Trixie is getting cuddles - but refuses to come join! 


Key word - nearly. You didn't though. And it's hard to think about, no doubt. But you still got each other, and they are very lucky to have someone so loving and dedicated there to be part of their pack 💜

Re: I can’t cope

If Pix is having special cuddles and Jett comes anywhere near us Pix growls at him. @Jynx 


You should hear the noises that come out of Jett when he is angry. When he and Pix are going at each other, you would think Jett is being tortured.



Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 ahaha yeah when the kitties play-fight sometimes there's yowling and hissing! I have to break them up - not cos I think they'll truly hurt each other, but cos it hurts my heart to hear them distressed! 



Re: I can’t cope

I’m not sure that they won’t hurt each other! @Jynx. They only like each other sometimes. 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 yeah exactly! Like when I first adopted Razz I spent ages pouring over articles and videos about cats fighting - signs that it's no longer playful and when to separate your cats and stuff. Just to make sure they weren't actually gonna hurt each other! I think it's okay, they also cuddle and groom each other which are sure signs that they are buds 😋

Re: I can’t cope

They will lay together sometimes @Jynx. Usually Jett invades Pix’s space. 

I haven’t even asked how you are. Sorry. Are you going ok? 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 no sorry needed hun, we got caught up talking about our pets! Which has had me grinning, so I reckon I'm doing alright 😉 What about yourself? Work been going ok? 

Re: I can’t cope

I’m glad you’re doing alright @Jynx. Work has been ok, it’s been a struggle to get there and stay there. It’s the only reason for getting out of bed. 

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