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Re: Tabaluga's

Dearest @Meowmy 



I just want to let you know I care about you both. I know of the care you give me and it's getting me through this weekend. 

I'm managing myself withy boundaries and mindful of all in Perth who have it much worse than me. 


Actually ..... Today in having somewhere to live. 



Re: Tabaluga's

@PeppyPatti aww you are the sweetest. I love reading your posts and even though I might not always show it, you are so important to me.


Your budgies are gorgeous! I miss having birds.


You should be proud of yourself like we on the forum are. Recognising your boundaries is a huge thing and I know how hard it can be to reinforce those boundaries. 


I hope your weekend treats you well, you deserve it 💐🥰❤

Re: Tabaluga's

@PeppyPatti hey PP, you are talented,kind and very intelligent.  Take care. Enjoy the weekend

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF @TAB @Bill16 hey cool friends, hope you're all okay. Take care

Re: Tabaluga's

@Oaktree hey oaktree, sounds good re psychologist and Indian. Enjoy. Take care

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

been cleaning here inbetween naps @Meowmy  lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, well done re cleaning. It's hard with MI. I tend not to do much apart from work. Got weekend free. Try to do things 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

I've got a visitor Monday @Meowmy else would not do anything. spend 20 mins clean and tidy, uncovers more problems, repeat  atm ,just swept under table not done for like 6months lol and cleaned stove top . not perfect, but nothing like it was before lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Thats good to hear @TAB. My house tends to swallow things up. I've been out to the chemist and am covered for meds. Have been doing more energy practices and felt a lot better - will be adding them to my routine to feel more on top of things. Its an amazing difference you can experience just by working with your body's own pathways.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

just did worst of floor that had been avoiding @SmilingGecko  am sweaty and puffing lol

quick go over before monday should be okay enough. teeth still hurting. not same as before dentist , but not good, must be something else wrong. i have to get those xrays done before go back as well. might try to get in at dentist monday afternoon somehow

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