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Re: Tabaluga's

Thank you @TAB take care on the roads. 


I have been quite mindful of accidents with the full moon energy. My ex used to be a orderly in a hospital and he said they always put on extra staff under a full moon in ED as its usually packed under such a sky. I have been watching where I walk when I go out.


Did a hang yesterday on the flying fox being careful not to slip. Accidents can occur under this sky so I have been very conservative with my energy. Full moons are known to be like that. Another vedic astrologer said the same thing about the building full moon energy. 


I think I will stay close to home base today

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

yeah its tempting to stay home, but short on any sort of food I want to eat  @SmilingGecko   friday traffic always way worse re Highway 1  etc .. may as well clean teeth, get shopping bags and get moving lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Morning @TAB @SmilingGecko @StuF @Meowmy @oceangirl @Emelia8 @Oaktree 

What does everyone’s Thursday have in store?


Re: Tabaluga's

G'day @SmilingGecko 


Avagoodone 🙂

Re: Tabaluga's

Hiya @Glisten 

I have an appointment with my DES peoples and then going to town to watch the Swans game with a mate later on.


Re: Tabaluga's

Its quite a pleasant day weather wise, so I am about to head out for a walk with Hannah @Glisten .

Probably to the river, its nice down there and Hannah loves the water.

Hiya @TAB @StuF @SmilingGecko @Meowmy 


Re: Tabaluga's

Hi @Emelia8 

Enjoy your walk!

Re: Tabaluga's

@Glisten my Thursday consists of doing an energetic detox with a huge slab of this stuff (selenite) passed through my aura after speaking to a difficult customer service person who lost the plot on the phone. Will do some spiritual clearings which I have not done in a while to get totally clear today.  Staying at home mainly












Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF  excellent who are Sydney Swans playing against?

Me, I’m still working on the basics.


Re: Tabaluga's

@Glisten @TAB @StuF @Emelia8 @Bill16 hey cool friends, done walk. Just having water. Hope you're  all okay.

Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.