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Re: Tabaluga's

Good Morning @Meowmy @StuF @Bill16  guess its public holiday ? 

Going back to bed. Up around 4, lit fire. House and me too cold. And its only just starting lol. Oh well plenty more heat options.  Cat decided kangaroo mince ok after all. Wont touch beef mince anymore. Its had 2-3 meals this morning and gone hyper running around swing paws at me, attacking bushes etc lol  cu in couple hours

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @StuF @Bill16 good morning cool friends, take care

Re: Tabaluga's

I've possibly only had kangaroo mince once without realising when I was in Northern Territory @TAB. I think I may have seen trays of it listed on Woolies.  I need to buy more meat next week as my stash has almost run out. Need to buy bones or carcasses to make bone broth. 


I have inherited trauma myself. It went down both family lines, its only recently I have been able to clear it. My fathers, father (grandfather) was a violent child abuser, my mother never spoke of her origins and took her secrets to her grave. I never knew anything about my mother. Both mum and dad joined by woundology. 


Found out when I was 18yo old Dad was previously married to another woman! And had kids from previous marriage!


And both my parents gave a child of their own up for adoption. So had a biological sister I never knew about!


My family life was deeply emotionally abusive and was seeing youth workers during my teens in tears nearly every day. My friends tired of me being upset every day and viewed me as an inconvenience.


My family life was consistently abusive which is why I developed mental illness. Saw a psychologist too but that did not help.


For that reason I take having children every seriously as I know what can go wrong. I don't think people consider the rights of children. Anyway it was the best decision I made as inherited trauma is in the DNA and having a parent with MI means a child misses out on opportunities. I'm kind of glad I did not have kids. I do love them. I like hearing the children playing in the street but I could not offer a child anything.


But getting back to the original topic, I've been able to heal ancestral trauma of recent date

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, out walk and coffee. Hope you're okay. Have a good day.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

@SmilingGecko I used to get kanga mince when had last cat, like 20 years ago. couldnt see same brand after I thought of it. It is done very quickly . has a lot of connective tissue.

its an acquired taste, think would prefer to mix it as its pretty tasteless as almost no fat plus slight gaminess.

well. fathers family lost everything and became refugees after the war.he ran away to australia 10 years later to work on other peoples farms, about the lowest paid work there was. so his total lack of ambition and foresight was always blamed on someone or something else. we were scared of him til like age 12 , we used to get whipped with garden hose, was never for reasons that made sense, so was unexpected sometimes not sure what its called but he mentally abused my mother their whole time together as well as controlling money , then basically stole her pension for 25 years because she 'would only waste it' so she was forced to work to her 70s so she was able to buy clothes etc, he even made her pay for petrol . for her pension which then was 250-350 a week he would pay electricity and water .Bargain , prob $20/week.


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

no walk here today after rare walk to town yest. @Meowmy  not too good after drinks yest ha. tried to go back to bed, couldnt sleep.

maybe study later. I really am behind now, well going to have to get busy over next few days. Got physio again for neck in about 5 hours time. forgot bin day. missed truck by 2 mins ha . oh well.

Re: Tabaluga's

Good morning @Meowmy @TAB @SmilingGecko @Bill16 



Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

bit worn here @StuF  but thanks. had vitamins, eggs on toast(all I had) tea, coffee, might be tea-time again also otc hayfever meds lol think bed again soon ha ha

Re: Tabaluga's

Bed is pretty tempting here too @TAB  - nice and cool so far today. Good under the blanket weather lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @StuF @Bill16 hey cool friends, done walk. Sitting to have water and read. Hope you're all okay


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