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Re: Tabaluga's

no worries @Oaktree  shower time here. its a slow process here today lol..

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thats good re metabolism @Former-Member 

just one thing re gas.. supply charge for elect is $1 /day so similar for gas ? so maybe 30 mins cooking is really .75cents ??

its not much and annoying when others doing it , but I rarely put more than min water in kettle and always refill it while still hot, so get heat from kettle into fresh water , pre heating it before use again lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Big g'day to my brother @Jacques hope you are travelling along good 

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga's

Yes I did wonder about the supply charge @TAB but I reckon you are right as I can remember the bill having something on it.  I will save money anyway. Don't like using gas really for health reasons.  BTW you can use a thermos to keep your boiled kettle water in without having to re-heat your kettle. It will last a whole day. I learnt that from a budgeting group


Have been investigating cheap ways of getting collagen into my body and bone broth is the way to go according to a doctor I follow. The place I buy meat from sells bulk buys of organic bones. Will buy them in my next shop of meat. My body needs more collagen for bones joints cartilage and skin as I'm getting old TAB

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

fair enough @Former-Member re gas. Have you looked at silica ? german rels all had it in bathroom cupboards,was never quite sure what people take it for. think its many things incl split nails ?

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @Bill16 @saturnzoon @StuF hey cool friends, hope you're all okay. Just hibernating here ha

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

think shop soon here @Meowmy 

Re: Tabaluga's

Think might save some money @TAB instead of dominoes I might make some cheesies 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

depends @Bill16 dominoes cheap during day if get pickup and basic pizza

Your call.thinking might get stuff to make myself a burger here

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah burger sounds good to me man @TAB 

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