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Re: Night Shift

i'm a gonna have to go get some CDs again @plasmo  bands getting tight w good versions , well some are , bloody hard to find w motorhead. Stones is the opposite now , but yeah

Re: Night Shift

used to buy the odd thing at op shop, last time i looked a dodgy bloke had pulled out all the good stuff i would have bought.

try not to look at cds/dvds or i'll find too much

Re: Night Shift

i only buy new CDs @plasmo  i dont even know whats avail anymore, all albums from old groups changed now eg Hendrix all dift names etc , will go to JB and blow a few hundred

Re: Night Shift

not a judas fan, song a bit uneven , but good bits outweigh bad bits @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

yea only got into them a few years ago, much better live. i think they put out a new one

Re: Night Shift

i spent days looking for cassette had in 90s @plasmo  still not sure if found right one, not on here anyways

Re: Night Shift

theres been a music thread on Daytime Sane for yonks now, so got my music thing out there lol @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

yeah i been slack looking at other threads.

Re: Night Shift

Re: Night Shift

yeh i'll have to look

sometimes i get an album and flog it every night. other times i can't remember what i like

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