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Re: Cook Along

@Glisten haha love it! Bailey's over ice cream is pretty good too.

I like the footy but don't get to watch it as often as I'd like. 

How's about yourself? Which team do you back?

Swap the hot chocolate for a mocha and I'm with you - vegemite on rice cake. My lunch of choice 👍

Re: Cook Along

@ENKELI  I will watch all the sports if I have someone to watch with. I’m a bad conversationalist at a sports pub.

Baileys over ice cream yum.

Dockers over Eagles everytime.


Re: Cook Along

@Glisten @ENKELI 

I have never tried Baileys over icecream but I like it on ice.


I go for Collingwood, which is unpopular but it stems back to a game I went to at the VFL when I was six years old 

Re: Cook Along

@Glisten oh thank goodness!! I think I would have cried had you been an Eagles supporter. The band, definitely. The footy team....gag!!

Yes Dockers through and through. My Goddaughter and I bonded over our love of the team. It broke me when I found out her mother (my ex best friend) turned her against me to the extent that Goddaughter now follows the same team as she does.


Cricket I can't watch. It's so boring! IMHO that is 😁


Re: Cook Along

@Oaktree nothing wrong with Collingwood. If it were the Cats or Eagles then there'd be trouble!!


Re: Cook Along


Funny how passionate sports fans are. My hubby likes NFL from America. I thought about swapping to a Western Australian team when they came along but I was too set in my ways

Re: Cook Along

I love you @ENKELI 

I can’t stand cricket! My mother was a WACA member and she would drag me to 5 day tests. I saw enough cricket in my childhood to last me a lifetime 

Re: Cook Along

@Oaktree the feeling is mutual!

And you have my sympathies, a week if cricket is enough to turn anyone off it.

My mum used to drag me along to The Maj as she was a costume maker for a theatre company. Counting buttons was more interesting than cricket!

Your mother subjected you to cruel and unusual punishment 🤣

Re: Cook Along

@Oaktree what team does hubby support? Ironically I'm an Eagles fan in American football!

Re: Cook Along

That’s lovely @Oaktree that you have a childhood connection to Collingwood.

@ENKELI  What teams do you barrack for?

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