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Re: Good Morning!

Chocolate drizzle popcorn??? Nice @PeppyPatti . Never tried them before.

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Shaz51 

Sorry to hear about your mum. I gathered that might have happened, but not seen a confirmation.



I hope tomorrow goes well

Re: Good Morning!

Thank ❤️ you @StuF 

Yes I knew it was going to happen but you never know when xx

Re: Good Morning!

@Shaz51  and you were with us last night at the PG on Grief.

Shaz biggest of hugs.



Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @Glisten 😍 sure was xx 

Re: Good Morning!

Hey folks

Any ideas on resources for trauma informed therapy?

Re: Good Morning!

@MDT  Do you mean how do you find a trauma informed therapist?

Re: Good Morning!

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning!

Hey there @lavenderhaze 🌺💜

thanks for the tag. Today not as good as usual..just some crappy stuff going down, but I’ll drag myself out of the mire given a bit of time to roll with the punches. 
Im not as good as I used to be at bouncing back from some kinds of things. 
And just adjusting to a new loop recorder to monitor sustained v-tach (not a very good heart problem)… the insertion wasn’t the nicest experience.

So, today is multiple straws day, and this camel is not enjoying it much at all 😔

Not to worry.
I’ll be alright, given a bit of time.
It’s the old ‘when you don’t particularly need it, seven levels of sh*te comes a-crashin’ down’ phenomenon 🌺

Licking wounds in my usual isolation; that’s my safe thing to do 🌺


Re: Good Morning!

Sitting with you 💕 @Former-Member ❤️

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.