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Re: Good Morning!

Yeah @StuF 


I have a very very good life.i worked very hard to get a support system. The most best and coolest is my Psychotherapist 


My partner 

My ex husband. 



Re: Good Morning!



I'm thinking of you. 


Re: Good Morning!

Hey everyone. Sorry I cant respond too often.  I'm in the public hospital this time and they are just too

busy. I don't think my visitors fully get the importance of the Sane thing, so I'll just come at you now and then when I can get a tea lady or AIN in a headlock. Have been reading all your news though.


And . . .  All I'm seeing is GOOD  news.   @Adge  and @Former-Member  on boot camp exorcize get fit

program. You surprized me there Pink.   @PeppyPatti  who thought no one would buy her quilts now gets just how good they are

and people covet them. Mate, take em to A Mtr home rally and see how long they last..! 

@Glisten ,  My precious glisten. OK, the bowls impressive, but the pens ?. I still can't get my small brain around how you make them on a lathe.  When I get out I need to have a serious sit down with you about resin and those pens. My head won't handle it now. And your right. I did more damage to the folding ladder than me. Took every aluminium rung out on the way down. I'll send pics when I'm home. @Oaktree  was right. I'm a bloody air head at times. Near wet myself when I read  "clumsy oaf"

Sis. You n Glisten know me just a tad too well. Bless the pair of you.   


Thanks @Doldip15 Fuzzy feeling and words comment made the big fella smile.   Sunshine back at you my friend and  @Lila3  I bend my back to the task knowing that you appreciate the meaning behind my words.  And a very special thankyou to everyone else for your supports. @Tilz  you have a knack of finding old posts of mine and forgot about.  Yes I know its vanity but laugh when reading old stuff I write and thinking, what on earth was I drinking that night..?.  Thankyou so much..


OK. . . Trumpets . . . Drum roll . . . @ENKELI  Has landed  A  JOB..!  and welcome back ol friend.

Mate ..  Look at You..!   and you start tomorrow. Banana skin, shines shoes up, Smart dress and look em in the eye.  Knock em dead kiddo. What I would give to be there. I'm glowing for you mate. Tell us all about it tomorrow,  pretty please, sprinkles on top..?


@MDT  Mate. You take the prize again.  You don't piss about do you. When you have to do a poem,

You grab the  great  big pump action shotty,  and you don't sit down till its glowing red and empty... 

Mate. . . No kidding,   I'm a fan.  Big time... Give me another..!  Rainbow Zeppelin's over your blue skies... my friend.

@Emelia8 n Hannah,  @SmilingGecko  and all the beaut people who said a prayer for me..  Its working. Pure n simple..  Thankyou so much

Can hear  @TAB  splitting wood with knots from here,   And thats tonys is for when you nagged me about this.  CRACK..   and This is for when you got on my case about  CRACK...   nearly every block is my head,  hey mate.  Here , give me the splitter, I'LL help ya  LOL.. Take care Tabster..


@StuF  Might as well role over buddy. We got a east coast low coming.  I snore..

forgot to say, thanks for pulling that pic @RiverSeal .. I looked at it today and just laughed. Good call..

Like what,  time @Thyme  says about the 'ever presence, of each other, within each other',  even when we are 

having our much needed spells in the top paddock. 

Would love say more.  Back maybe on the weekend. Few more visitors. @Historylover  @greenpea 

@Jynx  @Shaz51  @Healandlove You doing ok mate..?     @saturnzoon   @creative_writer  


Bet its not just me that misses  @TideisTurning ...    Goodnight beaut people..              tonys..


@EternalFlower  Thinking of you mate.

Re: Good Morning!

@tonys hey tonys nice to see you happy and shine. Take care

Re: Good Morning!

I just like swinging the axe @tonys 

....heres... Johnnie 

.. lol

Re: Good Morning!

warms my heart @tonys to hear frmo u

i know public hospital well - i worry for u - i hope u are okay and safe

if anything dodgy happens please speak up!!! take good care of urself there

hope ur getting lots of cups of tea

Re: Good Morning!

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @Adge   I know you get down about work mate, but I get up when I read about your skills, so that evens out.. 

The West is only just coming out of a record longest dry spell. Rain will come, and a million gardens will come to life.   Add in the paper. Few tools and your away. Thats how I got started Adge.  Hunchback

with zero confidence, and way less experience than you. Mate, you don't need anyone.  You got You.


Weeding. . .  Mate,  no one wants to weed.   Cotton wool ball tied on with a rubber band over my knap

sack spray wand and off I went. Mr wickwand..   Lawns mowed,   bush trimmed.   Letter box drop.

Pinched a shopping trolly and did the rounds of the neighbourhood.  


Now . .   the best part of the deal is this,    Every old lady wants to give you a cuppa cookies cake sandwiches, fix this, paint that,  and sit down and just listen and talk to me a bit.


Your selling a service sure,   But mostly, you gotta sell  PERSONALITY..  and your company.    It took me a while to get it but a third of my customers were just,  ""awfully lonely" .     I just made enough to get by,

but I had 30 mothers, tons of laughs and a full belly. Once I got a ute, trailer, and ride on, It was a seven day week. 


But I loved sharing the company the most.         OH   Adge...   I wish I was your age again. 

You have way more than I ever had.  You  Just need a CONFIDENCE..  Boost   


These old people " really "  Really...    need you,  mate.  Go and do what you were born to do...


@Appleblossom.   Don't tell anyone, but your coffee n cake are way better than the tea ladies.

Good to see your part of the vibrant Melbourne throng again.   I wonder if you and @SmilingGecko 

and @Historylover  catch glimpses of each other as trams pass coffee shops and feel that urge for a second glance without realizing why. 


That we share the same streets, noise,  bakery smells, and rolling reflections in windows and could pass each other at any moment is what makes tipping your hat with a warm smile to that stranger

in the light rain,  all the more important.  Its what I love the very  the most about Sane. 


@Tilz   @Meowmy     @EternalFlower  @TAB  @Former-Member    and  . . .   Well,  Every Sane  City Citizen

                   tonys   mb1

Re: Good Morning!


Truly your message rocks....

Who would have guessed us kids would have someone in our lives like you who quells loneliness, who make each of us feel special


It's you. 

Thank you...

@Adge @Meowmy @saturnzoon @TAB @EternalFlower @Lila3 @greenpea @faithandhope @




@Emelia8   @SmilingGecko  @TAB  

@StuF  @RiverSeal @Thyme  @Historylover  @greenpea 

@Jynx  @Shaz51  @Healandlove    @saturnzoon   @creative_writer  


  @TideisTurning .



Re: Good Morning!

So good to get your overnight update @tonys 😊🌹 really appreciate the effort you make. 


Keep making progress and hopefully you will be back home soon. 


Poor little Hannah has her big desexing op today 😔. She turns 6 months old in a few days time. I need to have her at the vet at 8.30am this morning. So she will be joining you in hospital 😂 tho only for a short time. I feel such a meanie doing this to her,  but its for the best. 


Other than that,  all okay here. In for a big wet week here,  as are many right along the East Coast. Started yesterday with a storm and a drenching.


Stay dry and safe all those likely to be affected by possible flooding. 


Emelia 🌷

Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.