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Casual Contributor


Hi Everone,


I thought I'd briefly introduce myself to the group. I'll start by simpy telling you a bit about myself and why I joined the lived experience forum. Prior to two years ago I had a diagnosis of Bipolar Affective Disorder. However, now I have been given a dual diagnosis of Bipolar Affective Disorder and now I apparently also have Borderline Personality Disorder. I have just started a year long course as a treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. This course is called Dialetcical Behavioural Therapy (DBT). 


In May of 2013 I had a near lethal suicide attempt. As a result of this event I sustained 70% burns to my entire body. I subsequently spent the next 18 months in hospital. To date I have had 20 operations, with more to come. I happily discharged from hospital in November of last year (2014). I am very much on the raod to physcial recovery. Well, to that extent I am aiming to get back to the best version of me I can become both physically and mentally. 


I have joined this forum to share with others my experiences, to connect with others with mental health issues and to learn from others, where I can. I hope I am able to contribute, proactivlely to this forum. Don't be bashful. Feel free to say hello. 


Re: Hello

Welcome @Ode!
There are a few folks here who have similar diagnoses..sounds as though you have been through some truly scary times in hospital..I have only read great feedback around DBT, hope you enjoy your course too...
Senior Contributor

Re: Hello

Hi @Ode 

welcome to the forums, i too have a diagnosis of bipolar affective, and i know my current psychchiatrist wants to look into personality disorder's with me, i currently have depression and recovering from drug induced psychosis, so can't get a read on personality disorder just yet.

Have you started the DBT yet? i am currently doing a lot of cognitive behaviour therapy, trying to change the way my thoughts are towards myself and other things.

Casual Contributor

Re: Hello

Hi there @kato 

Yes I have started the DBT Course. I started a couple of weeks ago. So, today was my 2nd session. The course is being run over a whole year and is held on Thursday mornings. 


It sound as if your psychiatrist is doing a great job for you, in terms of not yet giving you a clear diagnosis on BPD. It does take time for any diagnosis to be confirmed. Are you doing any mindfulness study? Mindfulness is pretty much the main topic throughout the DBT course. 


Good luck wiht your journey. Take care. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Hello


yeah i like the fact that he wants me to get levelled out before venturing down the diagnosis side of personality disorder, i pretty sure i have something but unclear what, i have looked through a few things and read quite a few articles regarding, but i try not to get too caught up in it.

My psychologist and my DandA counsellor both are pushing mindfullness pretty hard at the moment, i struggle to keep my thoughts on track tho, but small wins can amount to bigger ones

Thank you for the luck, some days i feel i need it

good luck with your journey as well

Senior Contributor

Re: Hello

@Ode I also have bpd and more recently bipolar. I did 6 months of dbt but had to stop because my therapist left. Now Ive been doing conversational therapy for the last 3 months twice a week.
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Re: Hello

Hey @redhead 

Just curious, how do you find conversational therapy?


Senior Contributor

Re: Hello

@Former-Member it's been really hard, I find it really hard to talk but we are starting to get there. I'm learning to trust my therapist and feeling more comfortable with sharing the random thoughts that go through my head.
Not applicable

Re: Hello

Hi @Ode 

Welcome to the forums, its great to see you here. You've had a hard road, i'm so glad that you are out of hospital and working towards better times. I havent heard much about DBT so i'm interested to learn more. 

It's a very welcoming group here, i've not been here long but already feel at 'home' 😄


Re: Hello

My therapist has recommended this course Dialetcical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) to me as well. She tells me she has seen amazing results if you stick at it. I will start it after I finish the ACT course. How are you finding it?
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