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Re: Trying makes it worse

Always did say,   Your a five seasons in one day,  Lady.     @EternalFlower .

My thoughts are with you in all of them.   tonys..



Re: Trying makes it worse

How are you going @EternalFlower ?


Thinking of you and hope you are okay.

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @EternalFlower 


You have been a bit quiet. I hope you are ok. Thinking of you


Re: Trying makes it worse

Hello @EternalFlower 

My name is PeppyPatti and last year I changed my support coordinator. . My last support Coordinator was a thief but my therapist sorted her out and got rid of her. 

My new  Support Coordinator. Is wonderful.

It's taken me about 3 years to get what I want with proper things on place. 


Re: Trying makes it worse

hello @PeppyPatti @Oaktree @tyme @tonys @Appleblossom had a suicide attempt last week....i feel a bit woozy but i'm healthy.

i had been praying to be healthy for the last month - i feel it helped me in the cardiac ward - as i recovered quickly and am okay

just emotionally, i need prayers for emotional health, please G-d..... 


things are a bit odd for me atm

Re: Trying makes it worse



So sorry for what you have been through and what you are currently experiencing. I know I went through a difficult time after a failed attempt. I was sad and angry for a long time afterwards. It’s a confusing time. I am glad that you are still here. Please take care of yourself

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @EternalFlower 

I am so sorry to hear about how you've been feeling, I can only imagine the pain

Sending you love and hugs ❤️

Re: Trying makes it worse

I'm back in the Ed whi h is hard

It's been a hard time

I feel like I want to end things and I don't have support

It's like everyone is pushing me and doesn't see my true voice 

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hey @EternalFlower 

It must be so hard right now. 


What do you mean by you don't have support?


Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @EternalFlower 

I can hear how hard things are for you right now and I am so sorry 

Are you still in the ED or are you back home?

I'll send a quick check in email, please have a look out ❤️

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Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.