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ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

Dear All, 


This is a reminder that peer workers will NOT be working on Thursday 25th April 2024 (ANZAC Day).


However there will be moderators online 24/7.


If you need to reach out to speak to someone urgently, please contact:

Lifeline 13 11 14

Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467

KidsHelpline (18-25 years old) 1800 55 1800

If in immediate danger: 000 


Also, Peer Group Chat will NOT be running Thursday 25th April 2024, but will re-commence the following week, Thursday 2nd May 2024 on Grappling Grief.


@Zoe7 @Snowie @Shaz51 @Patches59 @Undertheweather @Eve7 @Captain24 @Birdofparadise8 @outlander @creative_writer @ArraDreaming 


Re: ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

Enjoy a day off!

Re: ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

@tyme glad to hear.


Lest We Forget. I will be wearing my dad's medals to a local service.

Re: ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

Very nice @ENKELI , @ArraDreaming 😀


Enjoy @tyme any plans 😃


Any plans for tomorrow @Former-Member , @RiverSeal , @Paperdaisy , @Jynx , , @Tilz , @Blackbird11 , @Xibon 

Re: ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

Hey @Shaz51 🙂🌺

just baking some anzac bics, and taking a moment at dawn to remember some family 💜

I hope your day goes well 🌺🤗

Re: ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

@Shaz51 just gonna see a friend methinks, although @Former-Member your idea of making ANZAC biscuits sounds pretty tempting!

Re: ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

I won't be able to make Anzac biscuits @Jynx , @tyme , @Former-Member , @ENKELI , @ArraDreaming 

No ingredients 😆

Re: ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

@Shaz51 aw that sucks! I've got butter and golden syrup but no oats and I checked the expiration of the desiccated coconut, it was 2016 lol! I found a whole heap of ingredients that were outdated by several years when I moved back into my house 18 months ago, my brother isn't much of a cook! 

No doubt the ladies of the CWA will have them at the service tomorrow.


It was the thought that counts anyway Shaz 😍

Re: ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

Yeah @Shaz51 I'd have to pop to the shops and well... not sure I want to brave the supermarket on the evening before a public holiday! 😅

Re: ANZAC Day Public Holiday Staffing Announcement 2024

Leave it till tomorrow @Jynx 

You might be able to get some already made 😁

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