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Re: Starting to struggle

@tyme - everything is just a mess, I just wanna cry, I feel so sick and anxious and alone. My thoughts are going wild. 

am safe 

Re: Starting to struggle

I'm here @Fluttershy1 . You are not alone. 


It's okay to have a cry. Sometimes, crying helps us. Do you have your pets or cuddly toys with you?

Re: Starting to struggle

@tyme - I feel alone, 

I don’t wanna cry because I feel unwell already and I’m trying to keep my meds down. 

I have teddy and making chicken rice to soothe me 🙃

have you watched anything good on Netflix or Disney lately 

Re: Starting to struggle

As long as you have your fav toys there, it will make you feel better, eh?


@Fluttershy1 . And no, I haven't watch any Netflix nor Disney.... 


What have you been watching?

Re: Starting to struggle

I haven’t watched anything good lately @tyme - running a fever so I’m going to head to bed soon as I’m not well

Re: Starting to struggle

Rest up @Fluttershy1  - sounds like your body needs it!

Re: Starting to struggle

Sending you hugs @Fluttershy1 ànd sitting with you 🧡

Re: Starting to struggle

@Shaz51 @tyme - bedtime now, am overtired, not feeling well.

Re: Starting to struggle

You were not well the last time we spoke @Fluttershy1 . How are you feeling tonight? 


Thinking of you,


Re: Starting to struggle

Hi @BPDSurvivor @BlueBay @Shaz51 @afterhours @Snowie @Judi9877 @Faith-and-Hope @Jacques @TAB @Adge @Eve7 @Zoe7 @outlander @jem80 @oceangirl @Dec @NatureLover @greenpea @Hams @tyme - am abit better, slowly doing my everyday activities, mental health is still not great so I’m keeping to myself since there is so much judgement around mental health in the house and saying I’m faking stuff when I’m not. 

my bunnies have been a big help on my MH, I sit with them a lot or I will lay on the floor and they will come up and see if I’m ok. 

things are hard at the moment I feel like I’m a burden to everyone. 


Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.