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Something’s not right

Re: Not Coping

🤣😂 @Jynx 

My aunty said to have a elephant 🐘 sale at the markets 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

Nah I haven't @Birdofparadise8 but I will give it a go after I finish work! Any cool tips or tidbits you've learned from it so far?

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

@Shaz51 aww that would be so cute! 

Re: Not Coping

It has three episodes @Jynx 

Oh, I guess so. It's basically about a study they did at Flinders University, which had 30 participants to help with their sleep issues. Maybe it's something to look into to get help doing those things. I might try too to get off medication for sleep, but you would need professional help from a sleep doctor. I found it quite fascinating how they helped all of them overcome insomnia. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 yeah for sure, sleep is sooooo important, would be well worth chatting to a gp or psych about the things that helped those folks out. 

Re: Not Coping

Yes it would be @Jynx 

Sorry just got off the phone with KHL.

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 that's all good. Hope the call went well 😊

Re: Not Coping

Yes, we mostly talk about how I comply with people and agree with them when I want to say the opposite to please that person. Then we talked about how I could work out what to do with my roommate as she has been leaving the oven on overnight. @Jynx 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 aye I used to do that a lot too - I sometimes didn't even realise till later that I was just people-pleasing. It's tough hey. Glad your KHL support is so insightful. 


Oh yikes... are they leaving it on on purpose ( a heater lol) or just super forgetful? 

Re: Not Coping

Yes she is, but I brought it up as I have noticed I do it a lot. 

No, by accident, but she hasn't been accepting she has been doing it. She tried to blame me for it tonight when I mentioned she did it for a second time in a week, so I need to work out the best way to deal with this. @Jynx 


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