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Re: My special place

Hi @NatureLover 

Not much sleep last night. Just lots on my mind, couldn't shut it down.


How are you?


@creative_writer haven't heard from you for a few days. How are you going?


Re: My special place

@Snowie sorry didn’t mean to vanish. I just had a lot on my mind lately. I hope you are able to rest up today 💖🫂

Re: My special place

No need to be sorry @creative_writer 

Just wanted to make sure you were ok.

How is your day going?

Re: My special place

@Snowie I didn’t have a good start to the day, too much shit I can’t explain.

How is your day going?

Re: My special place

Sorry to hear that @creative_writer 

Am around if you need to chat about anything.


Day is ok. Got S to school and got to chemist. Besides that, the couch has been my friend.


Have you got any plans for today?

Re: My special place

@Snowie I don't really have words today to describe the emotions, I just feel agitated and depressed, it's a bad combination because it encourages unhelpful urges, I'm safe.

Nothing wrong with a couch day, particularly when you haven't had a good night of sleep.

I don't have as much planned, but really should get on with uni, I've been struggling so much with getting things done. Do you have plans?

Re: My special place

I'm sorry you are going through all that at the moment @creative_writer 

I know things haven't been good recently.


Hope you can get some uni work done. At least it might help distract you a bit.


Nothing planned for the rest of the day. 

Re: My special place

@Snowie it's a big red flag when SI thoughts escalate. I may be safe right now, but it's hard having to keep fighting these urges. I am not getting anything done rn for uni, can't seem to take my mind off things with these loud thoughts.

Maybe take it minute by minute. I hope you are able to fill your day in lots of self care ❤️

Re: My special place

I'm sorry things are at that point @creative_writer I know how hard it is to continuously fight. It can become so tiring and overwhelming. It can consume us. Is there something nice you can do for yourself?





Re: My special place

@Snowie I’m having lunch now, I’ll try to study again in a bit. Don’t have much appetite, but not eating will make things worse.

Are you doing much on the couch today? Like watching tv?

Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.