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Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

It should be on sbs on demand @StuF ?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Supposed to be cool change sometime soon @Gibbs 

Re: Tabaluga's

hello @PeppyPatti
sounds like a good purchase!
i hope your going well

Re: Tabaluga's


Just added it to my faves on SBS, thanks 🙂


Watched the Swans game on delay (only live on Fox/Kayo)...not the greatest 😞


Anyway, good night!

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah watched first half of Waterfront on on demand. Port game on 90mins delay plus losing. Nite 😎 @StuF @

Re: Tabaluga's

Can't sleep @TAB  - too hot and kinda still crook


Hope you're having more luck at catching z's (if you're trying yet)

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Crook not good @StuF  just woke here.time to re make bed lol not sure when I went to bed ok may have been closer to 9 thought had slept 4hrs solid there for a minute

Hope crooners sorts itself ? I've been lucky lately except for backache

Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @TAB . How are you going? 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Hi @Dreamy  just got up here. I'm mostly okay thanks. been napping during day in the heat.

How are you going ?

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @StuF @Bill16 good morning cool friends, take care

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