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Re: Share a cuppa?

Gladly have a cuppa with you @Bow Have the meds helped your D at all?

Hi @Anastasia @SJT63 @Shaz51 


Just picked up D from work and now sitting on the couch.

Trying to find the motivation to cook tea 😒

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey @Snowie  

no daughter isn't any better at all 😞 she's not eating much today and has been napping on and off all afternoon- both of which are really not like her. 

what will you cook for dinner tonight?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hopefully the napping helps her hun @Bow . I hope the meds kick in soon for her, she must be over it, and you too.


I was going to cook Taco's for tea. Something everyone will eat without complaining. And it doesn't take too long to cook.


My motivation and self care has taken a nose dive at the moment so just trying to get through each day as well as I can.


Re: Share a cuppa?

Tacos are good @Snowie  thats one of my daughters favourite. 
I'm sorry things continue to be so difficult for you 😞 

did you see your psych today?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks @Bow 

No didn't see psych today. She is on holidays, which I only found out about yesterday 😒😒

Has been rescheduled to next Monday. Only good thing is that it will be in person.


Have you got much planned for tomorrow?

Re: Share a cuppa?


cooking roast pork and veges for dinner tonight Heart

Re: Share a cuppa?

Sounds yummy @Shaz51 

Hope you enjoy it 💜

Re: Share a cuppa?

Oh that sucks @Snowie !! I am glad that you have an appointment on Monday though and in person! I know you haven't had such a good run with psychs. Hopefully Mondays appointment is kept and it's a good one. 

Tomorrow I don't really have any plans. Daughter will be home again by the looks of things. She has holidays starting next week, so it will be a 3 week holiday for her. She is at her fathers on Saturday so hopefully she is well enough for that and I will get a day to myself. Covid restrictions are increasing again here and so is my anxiety along with it. 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Same @Bow , hugs

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hopefully the appointment goes well @Bow 

It might be a 3 week holiday for her hon. I am sure she is liking spending time with you, even if she is sick. Hopefully you can get a day to yourself, and not catch what your daughter has.


I can understand how anxiety provoking the restrictions are. We have just gone through them here and it certainly increased my anxiety. Especially when appointments went to telephone. I hope that doesn't happen for you hon, and you can still have the support you deserve.

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