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Re: Share a cuppa?

@Oaktree wrote:

Was it you that was a member of Adelaide Hot Chip facebook group.

Maybe we could get hot chips lol

@Oaktree  Yep, that was me.  Master hot chip connoisseur. 😎  If I ever refuse an offer of good fresh cut hot chips, ask the person next to you who he is, and what he's done with the real me!

Re: Share a cuppa?

@ArraDreaming wrote:
Our daughter is learning a new skill and we have learnt that when that is happening sleep goes out the window a bit @MJG017 they can only focus on one thing at a time lol
she is close to walking @Oaktree

Maybe that will work for me.  Nothing else seems to work when I can't sleep.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yeah she’s a bit of fun @Oaktree
She says “Yay!” So much now it is so sweet even when I get home from work she says yay
Our other kids are 3 and 6 @Oaktree
Different ages all different things like our oldest and I go fishing and hiking and things just us together and things like that cause he’s a bit older we are able to do those things just us 2
Or sometimes with the middle one too just depends

Re: Share a cuppa?

ohh it is great when the kids are old enough to go and do things together with you @ArraDreaming 


Hello @MJG017 . @Oaktree , @Ainjoule , @Abner 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hello @Shaz51 How are you doing today? 

Re: Share a cuppa?

going ok here @Ainjoule 

Been out for a drive but at home again now 

my mind is saying "do something " but not sure i want to start decluttering (all the paperwork etc. have been in an old filing cabinet since our fire 4 years ago)

so it is not in the road but 


how are you going today 

Re: Share a cuppa?



Oh, I am not bad....thanks for asking. I'm trying to sort out my schedule. I have to find the referral I got for the spinal's around here somewhere, I swear, lol. I'm terrible with bits of paper. 

Re: Share a cuppa?

you put it in a safe spot @Ainjoule , hope you find it soon


I have to remember and husband's and mine and am sure my specialists like to add more tests for me to have done 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Does anyone want a cuppa @Oaktree @TAB @Glisten 🙂

Re: Share a cuppa?

just had one here @ArraDreaming  but I'll go again, thanks.

how have you been?I had another heart procedure yest, got diagnosed w gout today . Well at least next time I get it will have stuff to take for it.

Been a busy week for me. drove to course Tuesday 5.5hrs return. plus at course 5 hours

wednesday round trip 230ks to psych after special drs appt. thursday drove back to city (2.5hr) for procedure then drove home this morning (same dist) and drs appt this afternoon. 

just want to sleep and watch tv for a bit now

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