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Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, well done re wood. A bit better here


Re: Tabaluga's

Thats good @TAB thought you may have been sick. Was getting around to putting fire blanket on the wall but never did. May go back and check Bunnings next pay day. Am back from my walk. Felt exhiliarating after taking B12 this morning. Need to have a shower or something but will do some Rife then consider what to do next today. Got to make a Fritatta that will be tonights dinner. 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, hope you're okay. Are you going to Dr now?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

actually am feeling bit sick atm @SmilingGecko  just the cold 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Drs in an hour @Meowmy  think wont tell them anything unless they ask. just easier, will just say whatever I want to.  will ring before go to see if they know how far behind dr is

more I think about it, not sure why am going there

Re: Tabaluga's

Do you have any thermals @TAB? Just try and rug up today, turn your electric blanket up. Not long until doctors ❤️ I know you have apprehension just take it as it comes. See what happens today. Mercury entered virgo today and its what is called "inconjunct" pluto (ie forming a 150 angle in the sky) so the next few weeks are ideal for focussing on health. There will be complexities in communication and you have to be mindful of how you navigate through it but by not obsessing over it unnecessarily

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

cats got up so I can get bed back after drs @SmilingGecko  got wood for fire too. evenif burns out b4bed makes difference as heats walls etc think 4 deg min tonight


Re: Tabaluga's

@Bill16 We could be making a fortune mate!



Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, hope dr was okay  Home now. Having cup of tea.

Re: Tabaluga's

I'm just about to organise dinner @TAB let me know how things went with your doctor. I've been putting off having bloodwork done. Will do that this week

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Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.