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Re: Tabaluga's

Swans were down by four goals at one stage @TAB 


These slow starts will cost them eventually!

Re: Tabaluga's

G'day @Meowmy @TAB @Bill16 


Wishing you good Sundays

Re: Tabaluga's

Morning 😎 friends @TAB @StuF @Bill16 @Jacques @Meowmy 

New medication rock-solided me. KO’d after midnight, just woke up. 
I might feel less apprehensive after this mornings ADHD meds cut-in.

What are you doing today?


Re: Tabaluga's

Hiya @Glisten !


Not doing much today. You?

Re: Tabaluga's

@StuF  I am currently enjoying the physical relief of having a brain 🧠 that works properly. ADHD meds just cut-in.

I got to respond  to some emails.

See that 20 point margin maintained throughout the Lions 🦁 game.

Dockers got a spanking.

Who’s playing today?

@TAB @Bill16 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

that happening regularly thins year re slow starts and come from behind wins @StuF  geelong was exception, they lost ha ha lol 

Re: Tabaluga's


I am currently enjoying the physical relief of having a brain 🧠 that works properly. ADHD meds just cut-in.

I got to respond  to some emails.

See that 20 point margin maintained throughout the Lions 🦁 game.

Dockers got a spanking.

Who’s playing today?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..I am atributing all sorts of things to meds I began like a month ago here @Glisten  sleeping way more. taste and smell seem heightened. drinking less, (which was reason for meds) eating less (happy collateral damage) lol and finally , earth shattering hangovers gone,think cos opoid meds out of system. not sure if gp remembered i was on them when gave this script ok for alc, but causes opoid w drawal too, well plus ran out and not game to ask for more , cos wouldnt work and feel sick again guess

Re: Tabaluga's

A brain functioning correctly sounds great @Glisten ! I hope it persists


Two games today. Only one vaguely worth watching.

Pies will thrash North...and hopefully GWS lose! lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Well that all sounds very positive @TAB !!!

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