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well done @SmilingGecko 

Re: music thread

@SmilingGecko    Goodnight my coconut water  compadre.   I'll sleep with one eye open tonight.


Tonys see's a nightmare coming for any of you,   I'll  grab it round the ankle,   n crack its neck !


Nite folks..             @TAB  @StuF  @Meowmy @Glisten   @Sophia1  @Oaktree  @deshift 





Re: music thread's 5pm .. @tonys 

Re: music thread

Yeah  I know @TAB   But I want to squeeze a movie in.    Be back latter tonight.  Plus they just tossed some chunks of raw flesh in my cage.    

Mind shuts down when molars grind...                               tonys

Re: music thread

fair enough @tonys 

Re: music thread

Great to see you all @TAB @tonys @SmilingGecko @StuF @Meowmy ,


Hope this weekend has been okay for you all

Re: music thread

I know it gets like that during full moons @tonys let me tell you its a bit of a joke in astrological circles with full moon insomnia but I use my coconut water secret weapon these days. Wish I had known about it sooner. Full moon is on Monday around 8pm. Enjoy your movie. I've been a busy girl today on half my regular dose of medication.

Re: music thread

Hey @tyme good to see you on here. Yes the weekend has been good. 

Re: music thread

Hiya @tyme  🙂

I'm about to dash to TV news, I don't know why either. It's a ritual.


I hope your weekend has been ok too!

Re: music thread

..yeah pretty quiet mostly @tyme  had its moments maybe. just slowly prepping tea , making it up as go along. Got airfryer Rosti ( @StuF )  and a lettuce/beetroot/mayo/w hint of fresh raw onion for salad. protein will be from bbq chicken/canned re salmon or tuna or hard boiled egg is can be bothered .

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Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.