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Re: Tabaluga's

G'day mate @Jacques how's things going?

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

solar batteries like the wild west atm all crooks @SmilingGecko 

oh, I was feeling weird/depressed at shops then got stuck at checkout for like 10 mins

woman behind me in queue made a big fuss thinking some of her stuff had been mixed in with mine, she leaned over, wrapped her arms around whatever crap she had like it was crown jewels and then somehow i was stealing it if it got added to my bill. i was a bit short with her, her carryon was directed at assistant as much as anyone, but they will say I am the the bad guy for being rude reacting to her insane over reaction then to up the awkward, my card got refused so had to go home transfer $ and come back

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

just feeling sick and depressed @Meowmy  wish tomorrow were over already so can hide in my house.  wish didnt have drs appt in adel , have not up coming appt w GP here, feel abandoned , 4 week wait for appt, they took pain meds away and gave anti alcohol meds which I stopped taking, but would have run out already anyway, they sort of talked my into trying old GP to get psych appt ok that might be good idea , but all too hard atm, might get them to become main GP again ha, so can get w eight l os s and pain meds again.

see what happens. they might be sympathetic might not be. not seen them in like 10 years now. gues their philosophy hasnt changed, rules re meds may have tho anyhoo

Re: Tabaluga's



Are you ok? I saw on another thread that you have had a hard day?

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @Bill16 @SmilingGecko @Meowmy @StuF @Jacques @Glisten 


Hey guys,

Quiet day today. Went to see The Fabulous Four at the movies today. Apart from Susan Sarandon the acting was terrible. 
Then I went to Woolies to get a few more things to send to my daughter. Everything we got was on special so that was good. Went and bought boxes from post office. Came home had lunch, packed boxes and filled out customs declarations. Then it was back up to the post office to actually mail the boxes. Actually maybe my day was not that quiet lol.

Re: Tabaluga's



The world is made up of all kinds of people. Today you found conveyor belt lady. She sounds all kinds of special lol

Re: Tabaluga's

Kaya @Oaktree thank you for asking. I was feel very alone. The fact that you asked me if I’m ok, made me cry with relief.

I’m over tired, over emotional and feeling very sorry for myself.

.I’ve been up since 3am.

You’re so kind. Thank you for being here for me.

It means a lot to me.




Re: Tabaluga's

I dunno @TAB for the price they don't seem to deliver much. Might have to go with a trusty old generator. Had concerns about Tesla battery blowing up anyway like some of these EV's but I was told this was not the case. I'm sorry you had that ordeal at the shops. I'm thinking of saving up 3 months supply of cash in case of another outage. Its hard withdrawing cash from banks now they place limits on the amounts of withdrawals. You might like to have cash available if the system shuts down again which i think it will. Cash is King. Yes its very weird out there, lots of anger, unrest and provocation. I think just stand your ground and leave it at that, don't add insult to injury with people. That lady at the shops was overkill, possibly living in poverty and not wanting to get shopping mixed up. Who knows what was going on for her in her life.  Probably being beaten by her husband the previous night. I hope you can get something happening with GP's. When I had suspected fibromyalgia I got gaslit by doctors. It was like 17 years ago when fibro wasn't readily recognised. Pain is real.  You need some supports around you so revisiting old GP may be the deal 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Batteries new tech. Too many cowboys  @SmilingGecko  hope so re dr

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Prob pillar of community local church member, farmers wife @Oaktree  just made me think never fit in here. Ok was feeling weird b4 it happened 

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