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Re: Tabaluga's

Hello my cool friends @Meowmy @TAB thankyou for support,I have been very depressed 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Ah ..yeah not good @Bill16  I was just about crying myself to sleep last night, had gone back to bed after getting up early this morning, then got email w stuff up on a bill payment, got up and havent stopped since . . rang RAC asked for callback as said 15 mins wait , so jumped in shower, course got call 5mins later ha ha , dried myself off when got put on hold again, all sorted now, am clean, dressed and having a coffee lol 

Guess if it weren;t for bill stuff up would still be in bed lol

going to walk to shops next, then hit bottlo on way home lol 

Hope things get better for you. Busy worked for me today.

Re: Tabaluga's

@Bill16 hey cool friend, hope you will feel better soon. Prayers for you. Heavens protect and heal you.

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, survived work. Home now. The boys are here trying to install air con. Hope it will be successful ha. Hope you're okay. 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, electrician said power board has wires melted. Need to change to all safety switches. It costs. Oh well. Hope I can get air con for summer ha. Hope you're okay. Take care

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Yes not hard esp if 240v @Meowmy  ive put old window/wall ones in before 

good your home . Step meter says done way more than I used to think on same walk dunno

might go to bottlo now @Bill16 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Did they show you? @Meowmy  sounds odd. Prob tell them you want to keep old circuit breakers then you can see if still ok . They are supposed to protect the wiring? Anyhoo .. 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, had a bit of nap. The electrician say the power board is full. And some wires melted which they showed me. That in order to make an extra switch for air con, they need to replace all safety switches, eight in all. Eight hundred dollars ha.They have started putting in air con. Glad you're walking more


Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, there is sports tonight. Think will go. May feel better with exercises and a bit of social. Ha.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Must be good a/c @Meowmy  smaller ones just plug into powerpoint. Sounds like hard wired , has own circuit.  Guess had to be done. I want get my car a/c fixed been putting it off for 5 years now. Also have to talk to manager here about a/c in sleeping area. They closed off half the windows and all foof vents when re clad van. Annexe 5 deg cooler but only a/c is in annexe der. 
thanks re walking have to . I re applied for same job was on but no reply.  Figured would get through 4-5 shifts with any luck. No replies. If nothing by today will forget them . Well , after try to contact the 'contact person'  again. They have 3 people doing his job now looks theyve got another job on and this one starts next week cant get people ha ha I would have had a months work by now if had got through. I just wanted 12 day job only lol  anyway saw ad from another company they said just say hm days can do might try that ring both up and say can do 4 shifts lol 

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