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Re: TAB Birthday Thread

@TAB   big happea birthday wishes for you!  thank you for being a great friend. xx

Re: TAB Birthday Thread


 Happy Birthday @TAB by Cat 🥳🎉

Re: TAB Birthday Thread

Hi @Faith-and-Hope  Thanks. Best wishes to you too 


Re: TAB Birthday Thread

Hey @greenpea  GP thx vera murch

Re: TAB Birthday Thread

Happy birthday @TAB 🎊

Re: TAB Birthday Thread

Thanks @Zoe7  all the best to you 

Re: TAB Birthday Thread

Hey tabs @TAB
Happy birthday dude

Keep it classy

Re: TAB Birthday Thread

Onya Hams @MDT  thanks 😊

Re: TAB Birthday Thread

ppy birthday @TAB sorry for the belated wishes

Re: TAB Birthday Thread

Nothing to be sorry for @Jacques  all gd. Thanks

Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.