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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Shaz51 and @Oaktree I hope today has been kind to you both 💖

Re: Share a cuppa?

Lovely cuppa coffee @Oaktree 


Hello @creative_writer , @Glisten , @sheba30 , @tyme 💗😎


Sunny 🌞 here , and 25 degrees in the day and 

14 degrees at night 🌙 

Re: Share a cuppa?

@Shaz51 @creative_writer @sheba30 @Oaktree 

It is 17* degrees in Joondalup today 🥶 Proper winter weather.

I am going to my GP tomorrow to get a referral to a psychologist.

My brain 🧠 isn’t doing what I need it to do.


Re: Share a cuppa?

Ohh hugs @Glisten ❤️

Here for you if you want to chat 💕 

Re: Share a cuppa?



I need to get around to organising a new psychologist too. I am not sure I want to. Last one stressed me out loads.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hello @Ainjoule. @RachSANECEO 


 in my garden today @Oaktree , @Glisten , @creative_writer , @sheba30 , @tyme 

Re: Share a cuppa?

@Shaz51 @Bow @Glisten @creative_writer @sheba30 @tyme 


Just had dinner. Unfortunately it was a bit cold when it arrived so I had to refry it. Just watching a bit of TV. Went to art this morning. Nearly finished a colouring in. It’s pretty intricate. It’s a picture of a wolf and I am colouring it in blue and purple. It’s looking really good.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Beautiful flower @Shaz51 

Re: Share a cuppa?

@Shaz51 the flower is absolutely beautiful 💖

@Oaktree what did you have for dinner. I’m glad I managed to get dinner in without nausea. I think a sign my body is finally recovering from pesky viral. You know the one that isn’t covid but causes coughing and fever

Re: Share a cuppa?

Oh sorry to hear that you have been unwell @creative_writer 


I just had potato scallops with vinegar. Not very healthy but that’s just what I felt like. Hubby ordered fisherman’s basket. He didn’t eat the fish. He is going to give it to the cat tomorrow 

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