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Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks for letting me know. I was just going to pour hot water on it! I didn't think of microbes etc... then again, if i poison the stuff, it'd probably poison the 'healthy' stuff? @Historylover ? IDK?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Dont poison if it’s in a garden bed or veggie patch! @tyme 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @tyme, I'd have a dirty chai but am about to go to bed,. I haven't been feeling well today so have been resting, and am already feeling better, so tomorrow I'll be back on deck and raring to go. I watched an episode of All Creatures Great and Small this took me back to when I watched the original series in which Peter Davison played Tristan, and I remember the names of the other actors in that series, but I remember their faces clearly..

Re: Share a cuppa?

I've just googled the original actors and was reminded of their names, Robert Hardy and Christopher Timothy.

Re: Share a cuppa?

@tyme wrote:

Quick question if anyone knows @Appleblossom @Historylover @NatureLover or any keen gardeners out there: How do you get rid of all the grass growing in garden beds? It's like an ever lasting task of pulling out grass..


Hi @tyme , hope someone had advice for this - the funny thing is I love nature and plants but am a bad /ignorant gardener! 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Sounds like you have a serious grass problem, @tyme. I'll leave it to Jay. No clues here, other than solarization with plastic, sheets of newspaper or cardboard but I think that takes a while. Back to weeding, perhaps?  

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @tyme ,


Sorry I had not responded earlier. Anxiety was in me, scared I would get tired. I'm watched at all times but once I'm home I do feel safer to chat. I hope you managed to do what needed to be done. I sat down and wrote a list of my to do stuff. I am more more at work than home. I feel so much needs doing then my time off gets spent resting. I know how you feel. Going through the list tho motivation is low helps and I get a sense of relief crossing out stuff. I hope you feel better about it all and wishing you a good day. 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @Shaz51 ,


I worked last night and I felt the urge to respond to anyone kind enough to message me. I know it's early but I don't know when I will return as I have been asked to work tomorrow on day off. Going to do self care and as much rest as possible. I hope your day is good to you. I would love a chai right now. How about you, if you are awake now? 

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @amber22 hope you have a great day. Loved your image of the tea pouring.

Hope you are enjoying the forum. Kind Regards 💕

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Good morning @Paulette. Thanks 👍 for your terrific message yesterday.

Routine is great. I am trying to get up earlier in the morning - both to establish routine and secondly to get more done.

I love Dijon mustard too. Been using it in 🥗 dressing.

So pleased to hear you have leave coming up and well done on avoiding that Bully - some people are toxic. Barristers and solicitors can be toxic too. Good luck with your legal issues - Have a good day xx

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