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Re: Night Shift

yer I flew business on a deal once , did not know wat to do could have made seats into bed, pretty much had 1/4 of hostess re q for 4 peeps and real cutlery and food, was a bit over whelming.  @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

yeh really only flown couple of times

Re: Night Shift

er rnow gotta get in bed.. didn;t watch a movie

Re: Night Shift

Nite @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

nodded off on the couch, should go ovee some stuff when i wake up

Re: Night Shift

hey @plasmo  had nap around 3pm , lost count of times opened eyes and went back to sleep , was so out to it.

Got super early start tomorrow, heading to Adelaide for course. Hopefully get my presentations out of the way. thats def the 'hump' of the course as far as I am concerned. once done that , I will give myself a pass lol., the rest is just crapola as far as can tell lol, ie their version of 'theory' lol oh plus got my 3 assignment essay things locked in Eddy. wont leave so late in fortnight again, started friday I think. too much like work when no time up sleeve, then cant celebrate after as class next day and have to be up early to drive there ha ha lol 

Hope things going okay with you. Should crash here soon. 

Re: Night Shift

yeah caught up on sleep, gotta start doing stuff

Re: Night Shift

Nite @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

nite. gotta finish my drink then do couple of hrs.. took one night off and can't remember anything

Re: Night Shift

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