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Re: Night Shift

I am behind too @plasmo  re study

Re: Night Shift

was going to do a bit, stuck chatting elsewhere

Re: Night Shift


Re: Night Shift

Re: Night Shift

ok, had never heard of 'Camel' @plasmo  = prog rock ? .. I was seriously crashed after afternoon at RSL lol

Re: Night Shift

yeah quite proggy, was stirring a bit. good if you want somethung mellow with a lot of moog.

Re: Night Shift

..had a quick listen . that guy really cant sing hey @plasmo  lol

Re: Night Shift

yeah they're not big on vocals. i dont think there's any lyrics on their best album hhe

Re: Night Shift

Re: Night Shift

yeah the snow goose album is good, pretty light though

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