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Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

How is Shazy 🐝 feeling this morning?


Did you get any sleep?

Hugs G

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Morning @Glisten 

Little bit of sleep 

Another rest day here today 

How are you 

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

@Shaz51Is Mr S not improving 🥺?

How are the Shazlings?

Shazy, 40 years ago today at 5:30am in QLD, I gave birth to number 1.

Highly overrated 😏 lol



Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Mr shaz has improved a little bit but can't talk much 


Happy Birthday to your number one ❤️ 


Shazlings are okish 

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

@Shaz51  That’s sh!t news Shaz.

I’m not happy for you 🥹 

You have had a rough run in the buildup to retirement, and it all feels disproportionately unfair that it has come at you in an orderly queue of unfortunate events.

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

@Shaz51 , rest as much as you can.

You both need it.

Hoping tomorrow is a better day for you both.

Sending you a hot chamomile tea and lovely fluffy pillows. 🥰

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Best wishes for your sleep studies results @Shaz51 

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Thank you @Dimity 😊

Have to do a few blood tests for " turner's syndrome " 

Iron overload 

And for my liver 


How are you going my friend 🧡 

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

Hello @Meowmy 😊

Re: Love for Shaz51 💖🐦

@Shaz51 hey Shaz, send you love and well wishes

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