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So have you found the magic pill?

I guess I can answer that with a no, or we wouldn't be here.Personally I've tried a few things I wont mention, but I suspect are common attempts to make me feel better.

What is the magic pill?what would it do for me?

Well its a biggie -I would have inner peace  from this turmoil that is with me constantly. I would be content, I would be confidant,instead of living in fear.I would feel free to do as I please, not worrying about what people think of me

Oh well there is no one pill. I guess there's some medication that helps us get through. Psychologists and psychiatrists, various forms of therapy, this forum and most of all OUR determination not to let MI get the better of us!


Re: So have you found the magic pill?

Hi @Chris 

I really resonate with the longing for a magical "fix it" option. I can remember about 7 years ago when I was very unwell for a long time, both physically and emotionally. I was reading the Harry Pottter series (as was my son at the time) and I can remember longing so desperately for a magic wand. But it doesn't work that way.

I believe that it's a bit like spending time with our kids when they are little, if you don't spend time with them then you don't often get those magic moments which are there spontaneously. This journey's gift is in the growth, and that is not something a pill or any quick fix can give us sadly. But once we make a stride forward in something then no one can take it away again, it is hard won ground. But I really understand the longing for it to be easier. Blessings.

Kindest regards,


Re: So have you found the magic pill?

@Chris well said. There is no 'magic pill' but it is a combination of things, along with personal determination and a degree of acceptance.
I love knowing that I am not alone, I have found that here and I am comforted by the people here within this forum. I am able to give and receive. I am not looked upon as 'less than' or judged.

Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.