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Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

Thanks @Smc  @Shaz51 


We are now on a waiting list for hospital admission. Darlings choice. 

Initially thought/  hoped it could be this week but will be some time next week now before a bed is available. 

Day by day until then. 

Things are less volatile but there is a level of despair I have not seen or sensed in a while 🥺


Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

I hope your Darling gets some support soon, and you get some respite soon @Determined . It can be very challenging to take on all the load yourself.


It's good to read of the boundaries you have in place.

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

Bed shortage makes it hard... hope all stays safe enough in the in between time. x

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

This mornings update

No beds available for the near future. 

Not sure where that leaves us 😕 

This is for a private facility. 

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

Not completely surprised, but definitely ow. 😟
If she was willing to do a hospital stay, is she willing to talk through other possible safety and support ideas? You were saying that she doesn't like having someone "babysitting" her, but if there's not another option?


Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

Have found another option @Smc 

Much smaller country hospital.

Darling has an appointment on Monday to discuss. 

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

During the gaps where Darling is alone we are keeping communication open. Which seems to be working.  Holding steady at the moment but it would not take much to change that 🤕


Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

Hospital admission for Darling at the end of this week.  Preferred hospital also which is good.  Have suitable support in place until then. 

Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

Good to hear @Determined.
End of the week- that means now-ish? How has it come together?


Re: Supporting my wife who lives with Borderline Personality Disorder while maintaining self care

Yes in hospital now @Smc 

Day 2 today and darling already looking more at ease.  I am hopefully that a time out will e beneficial. 

Tandem respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters of Australia. Tandem is committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal communities to support the principles of self-determination, and ensure the voices of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander carers in Victoria are heard and considered.