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Life After Bushfires

Re: How is everyone coping, now we're going back into bushfire season?

Really resonated with this quote @Powderfinger "PTSD is a recovery and it gets easier in time" 💙


Re: How is everyone coping, now we're going back into bushfire season?

I may have to steal that quote and write it on my mirror to read every morning. X @Daisydreamer 

Re: How is everyone coping, now we're going back into bushfire season?

@YouAreNotAlone I am anxious for this upcoming season. 

Re: How is everyone coping, now we're going back into bushfire season?



I'm.glad you found a quote that resonates for you regarding PTSD. 

Re: How is everyone coping, now we're going back into bushfire season?

@Burnt  I definitely hope this NYE is different!!!! There was an alert for a fire in my area earlier today and I flew into a panic. Just in case, I'm also packing a bag . . . and making sure we have food and water so that if we're without power again, we'll be okay.  I get what you mean; I've been putting it off as well.

@Burnt wrote:

@YouAreNotAlone  Very normal behaviour ! 

I think most of us are, feelings resurfacing and the danger getting higher. 

I don’t know what to pack in my go to bag. I’ve been putting it off, I just can’t bring myself to do it. 

Lets remember this nye will be totally different and we all deserve to enjoy it!

Re: How is everyone coping, now we're going back into bushfire season?

Hey @Daisydreamer,

That's a good idea to make sure you do self-care and distraction on hot days. Unfortunately I tend to bite off more than I can chew, so I don't have much free time for TLC!

I talk to people in my community, but am also conscious of not wanting to bring it to the forefront when a lot of people don't want to talk about it.

And @Burnt and @Fizz, yes ❤️ the rain is absolutely gorgeous. Let's hope it's enough!

Re: How is everyone coping, now we're going back into bushfire season?


Feels. So so so so so much anxiety. Especially when a fire truck goes speeding past, or the Fires Near Me app pings.

One of the other contributors earlier wrote about adding in extra self care on days when it's hotter/the anxiety gets worse. I know it's hard but that's what I'm going to try and do--is that something you can as well?

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