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Community Lead

Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

On Thursday 8th August 2024, we will be holding a Peer Group Chat on the topic of Balancing Mental Health and Work.
Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 4.16.48 PM.png

Balancing Mental Health and Work can be tricky at the best of times. We all know that there are times when it’s harder than others. Work doesn’t necessarily just mean paid work. Let’s join together to share ideas about how we navigate Mental Health and Work.

The event start times across Australia are below:




This is currently held in Australian Eastern Standard hours:

WA: 5pm

NT: 6:30pm

SA: 6:30pm 

QLD: 7pm

NSW, ACT, VIC & TAS: 7pm 


For anyone unfamiliar with Peer Group Chats, each focuses on a specific topic and is guided by Peer Workers with lived experience of mental health issues and recovery, &/or caring for someone with complex mental health. A counsellor is also present as a moderator to help ensure a safe environment for individuals and the group. It is a space for us as peers to share our stories and experiences, and connect with those who are going through something similar. 


Peer Group Chats are hosted outside of the forums, using a platform called Chatwee. To join an Online Peer Group Chat, you will need to register for an account with Chatwee. On the night, follow this link and log in to your Chatwee account before the group starts.


Please see this FAQ for any questions you may have. For any issues on the night, please message the moderator of the group on the Chat platform. If you'd like to receive a reminder closer to the event, please support this post & we'll keep you updated.


@Squishy @Shaz51 @Snowie @Captain24 @Oaktree @Glisten @Rockdog @WildFlower1 @Spritely @Alonely @7cough9 @Andarna @MessyGirl @Healandlove @ENKELI @Who-Knows @monket @BaggyJeans @Jacques @ChouxieChou @Ainjoule


Re: Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hopefully I can get off work to make it 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

Interesting topic. Work is potentially both a supportive factor and a source of distress for people with vulnerabilities- but by default we have to do work on the terms an employer or client sets , so can be struggling to  choose how to optimise it.

Re: Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

@7cough9 good point. 
What if you work for yourself?

If I was self employed and the type of work I did was therapeutic?

ADHD and hyperfocus.

I started two woodworking refinishing projects yesterday. Finally stopped fondling the timber at 2am this morning.



Re: Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

Re: Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

Peer Group Chats are hosted outside of the forums, using a platform called Chatwee. To join an Online Peer Group Chat, you will need to register for an account with Chatwee. On the night, follow this link and log in to your Chatwee account before the group starts.


Please see this FAQ for any questions you may have. For any issues on the night, please message the moderator of the group on the Chat platform. If you'd like to receive a reminder closer to the event, please support this post & we'll keep you updated.


We are starting now 🙂 You are very welcome to join us.

@tin @Silvie @Leecomb @Cat0987 @conniee @Changingmyworld @Milo6 @Amaysolute @Lan @CK8 @Mustang67 @Radarears @Meowmy 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hi @tyme 


This topic doesn't relate to me, as I am unable to work at the moment. 


But the way I was treated by my employer when I was going through DV, and finding a new place to live in a hurry and trying to cope emotionally and mentally, has now left me with anxiety whenever CentreLink try and make me look for work.


I was even called into the bosses office and told that if I had anymore time off, they were going to replace me. And I was also told that I needed to smile more around the office, as it was bad for office morale. I really wanted to reach over the desk and punch him in the face. But I smiled and walked out of his office 😔


But I have now registered for the online chat for future topics that apply. 


I hope you have had a great day 😊

Re: Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

hey @Mustang67 so sorry to hear that you had to deal with a workplace that didn't accommodate your needs and were just plain inconsiderate! no one deserves to be treated that way.


also, just wanted to let you know that @tyme mentioned in another thread that 'work' doesn't necessarily mean paid work, nor volunteer work, but more so what you expend energy on to achieve a purpose. hope that clarifies tonight's topic, feel free to hop into that chat if you're interested 😊

Re: Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

Thank you for the clarification @rav3n. I might pop into the chat.



Re: Peer Group Chat // Balancing Mental Health and Work // Thursday 8th August 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hey Everyone!


Thanks for joining tonight for such a robust conversation. Here are tonight's questions:


Q1: What would you consider as “work”? 

Q2: When working, what are some challenges you may face in relation to your mental health? 

Q3: In terms of balancing work and mental health, how do you know when the balance ‘right’? 

Q4: What are some things that haven’t worked so well for you when trying to balance mental health and work? 

Q5: When balancing mental health and work, what are things that have worked for you in the past? 

Q6: If you notice someone struggling to balance work and their mental health, what can you say to them? 

Q7: Next time you find yourself struggling with work, what are some things you can try? 

Here are some further resources we recommend having a look at: 

1 Work-life balance: 

2 Your Mental Health at Work: 

3. World Health Organization: Mental Health at Work: 


Feel free to add your responses to these questions and share anything else.


My greatest takeaway tonight was the power of sharing your MH journey, to stand up for what is right and to be okay with feeling vulnerable sometimes.


And yes, 'work' doesn't just mean paid work. 


@Mustang67 @Glisten @7cough9 @Captain24 @Shaz51 @ArraDreaming @Oaktree @Messylife @L-B 

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